The SCG portal enable you to Upload contacts information from a contacts file (.csv) that then can be referenced when calling SCG API or using SCG UI to send messages.
This document provides a step-by-step procedure to upload a contacts file with Social Handler in SCG for later use when sending messages.
Contacts File columns
The file format is .CSV and can include the columns:
- external_id
- first_name
- last_name
- birth_date
- first_acquisition_date
- ast_acquisition_date
- primary_mdn (this field data is mandatory, E.164)
- primary_addr_line1
- primary_addr_line2
- primary_addr_city
- primary_addr_zip
- primary_addr_state
- primary_addr_country (this field data is mandatory, Country in Alfa ISO code)
- primary_email_addr
- social_handlers (this field data is mandatory) *
- voice_preference
- preferred_language
* Whatsapp format for social_handler is: wa:<mdn>@<whatsapp sender id address>
Example: wa:+1346787XXXX@1813305XXXX
Additional information can be uploaded into SCG Contacts as Fast Access fields. For further information on Contacts data fields please refer to Contacts fields and Fast Access configuration
Uploading a contacts file in SCG through the UI (SCG portal)
1. Log in to SDC portal:
2. Click on the Voice & Messaging Console menu option:
3. Select you SCG account and click Select button:
4. Click the Addressbook menu and select Contacts option
5. Click the Import button
6. Click the Select File button and select your contacts file
7. Click the Upload button
8. A contact successfully Uploaded message will be displayed
Refresh your browser and your contacts are now stored in the SCG and can be used in SCG when sending messages.
For further information on how to upload contacts using the SCG API click How to programmatically upload/import Contacts to your Account