How to use Wildcards when creating Keywords


The SCG portal provides the Keywords option in the Messaging menu to create and edit the keywords response functionality.

The Keywords functionality is useful to define auto reply messages when MO contains specific word in its message body. When SCG evaluates the message and find a configured keyword then the defined reply is sent back to originating address.

The use of wildcards give flexibility when defining how to evaluate the message when searching for keywords.

This document provides a description and samples on how to create keywords configurations with wildcards describing 3 mayor use cases and the fundamental parameters when implementing them.


Use case 1: starting with the keyword

Setting an auto reply when an MO message start with a keyword “Respond”.

In this use case we need to define that the first word of the message must be the “respond” keyword.

The wild cards to use are:

  • ^          :           This wildcard anchors the keyword to the beginning of the message.
  • .*         :           This wildcard describe that any character or non are accepted as match.


Finally the value for the keyword is constructed as:     ^respond.*

In the SCG portal Keywords settings can be configured like the following image:




Use case 2: ending with the keyword

Setting an auto reply when an MO message ends with a keyword “Respond”.

In this use case we need to define that the last word of the message must be the “respond” keyword.

The wildcards to use are:

  • $         :           This wildcard anchors the keyword to the end of the message.
  • .*         :           This wildcard describes that any character or non are accepted as match.


Finally the value for the keyword is constructed as:     .*respond$

In the SCG portal Keywords settings can be configured like the following image:




Use case 3: keyword in between.

Setting an auto reply when an MO message contain a keyword “Respond”.

In this use case we need to define that the message must contain the “respond” keyword.

The wild card to use is:

  • .*         :           This wildcard describes that any character or non are accepted as match.


Finally the value for the keyword is constructed as:     .*respond.*

In the SCG portal Keywords settings can be configured like the following image:




Priority Group

When setting up a keyword with wildcards an additional parameter field is displayed in the configuration screen: Priority Group.

This field allows to set the sequential order for evaluation of wildcarded keywords and group them up.

Basically, we can group sets of wildcarded keyword definitions by setting them the same Priority group, then all of them are evaluated in “bucket”. All the Keywords that matched are then auto replied according to their settings.

When keywords matches are found in a bucket no more buckets are evaluated.

Non-Wildcarded Keywords priority: An important consideration about keywords without wildcards is that they have higher priority in the evaluation processing. If a MO message match a non-wildcarded keyword the evaluation processing stops, and the matched keyword reply is then sent.



Catch all wildcard

There is a use case when the customer needs to provide its consumers with a “catch all” auto reply to provide instant feedback in case that none of the defined keywords finds a match in the MO message.

In this use case we need to define that the message does not have to match any specific keyword and that anything in the message represents a match. As this is final, the priority must be set as 100 meaning this is the last case.

The wild card to use is:

  • .*         :           This wildcard describes that any character or non are accepted as match.

Finally the value for the keyword is constructed as:     .*


In the SCG portal Keywords settings can be configured like the following image:







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