How to perform number verification before sending messages

The SCG Cloud Messaging APIs offers an option attribute on its messaging API endpoint that allows customers to have the system perform a number verification for validity before deciding if the message should be sent to the recipient or not. 

This feature allows customers to determine if a number is a landline or mobile number or an invalid number which helps to avoid sending messages to invalid numbers.

How to Send a Messaging with number verification flag

To send a SMS message using the number verification flag, include the following attribute and value in the message submission

  • Set "verify_number" : " true" if you want to perform a verification
  • Set "verify_number" : " False" if you dont want to. You also choose not to include the atriibute at all
curl -X POST \\
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"from":"address:222222","to":["+14085551111"],"body":"TEST MESSAGE", "verify_number":true}'


If you have your webhook setup to receive Delivery confirmation, can expect to see the following field in your Delivery receipt event if the number valid

  • "number_type" : "M" or "VL", L

where M = Mobile, VL= Virtual Longcode, L = Landline


Sample DR Event

  "topic": "SCG-Message",
  "attempt": 1,
  "event": {
    "fld-val-list": {
      "previous_state": "QUEUED",
      "message_request_id": "44Sb8nOEQBGL4uCkxmVnT5",
      "message_id": "gYSpaGHxb5X6OqStyGICy7",
      "to_address": "+14085551111",
      "has_attachment": false,
      "reason_description": "SUCCESS",
      "number_type": "M",
      "application_id": 1764,
      "reason_code": "200",
      "sender_id_alias": "RexWQXiD7pF7Kzvepjkio",
      "company-id": xxxx,
      "sender_id_id": "RexWQXiD7pF7Kzvepijkio",
      "external_message_request_id": "",
      "new_state": "SENT",
      "fragments_count": 1,
      "from_address": "222222",
      "mt_price": 0.0125
    "evt-tp": "message_state_change",
    "timestamp": "2019-02-05T18:25:22.76Z"
  "event-id": "CLIxCr7ZRfeBUHHYP3eZQQ"


In the case of the number not being valid, the DR event will have the failed response with a reason description, see below:

  "topic": "SCG-Message",
  "attempt": 1,
  "event": {
    "fld-val-list": {
      "previous_state": "QUEUED",
      "message_request_id": "N6xNcTYqtkFXr3XTzsRmH1",
      "message_id": "N6xNcTYqtkFXr3XTzsRmH1",
      "to_address": "+14085551111",
      "has_attachment": false,
      "reason_description": "Invalid Recipient - Validity: true  NumberType: L",
      "number_type": "L",
      "application_id": 4334,
      "reason_code": "1002",
      "sender_id_alias": "RexWQXiD7pF7Kzvepikol",
      "company-id": 1512,
      "sender_id_id": "RexWQXiD7pF7Kzvepikol",
      "external_message_request_id": "",
      "new_state": "FAILED",
      "fragments_count": 1,
      "from_address": "222222",
      "mt_price": 0
    "evt-tp": "message_state_change",
    "timestamp": "2019-02-05T21:07:42.393Z"
  "event-id": "UZEbBkKjT0_wXTK9Jd_WFw"
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