The Syniverse Communications Gateway (SCG) messaging API require the prepaid accounts to provide a list of numbers allowed to be set as destination of SMS messages. This is a whitelist of destination numbers for delivery of SMS messages. The Syniverse Developer Community (SDC) site ( provide the UI to build your whitelist. This whitelist functionality is for US only.
This document describes how to “Whitelist” a number with SCG messages API GUI, guiding the user through a step-by-step procedure to finally enlist the number in the whitelist that will enable the user to send messages the enlisted number.
Whitelisting a phone number
Follow the steps below through the SDC UI
Login into SDC
Click the User / Company option
Click on Whitelist tab
Click the button Add phone number:
Enter the phone number you want to add to the whitelist in the Phone number field
Click Send confirmation code:
You will receive a 4 digits code on the mobile number you just set:
Enter the confirmation code you receive in the field and click Add button:
Done! … Your number is Whitelisted and validated now.